Privacy Policy

Direct Limos, LLC is committed to protecting the data you share with us.  By visiting the Direct Limos website, you consent to collecting and using your Personal Data as described herein.  The information we gather upon reservation is kept securely only to help expedite the reservation process.  We will never rent, sell, or disclose any of your personal identifying information to third parties.  Direct Limos, LLC may share limited but necessary information with our Service-Providing Partners and service vendors or contractors to provide a requested service or transaction or to analyze the Visitor behavior on its Website.

Direct Limos, LLC is very sensitive to the privacy concerns of visitors to our Websites.  The purpose of this Online Privacy Policy is to describe what types of personal information we collect from visitors to our Website at, the purposes for which we use the information, what rights you have regarding the personal information you submit, and to whom and under what circumstances we disclose personal information.  This Online Privacy Policy applies to our information collection, use, and disclosure practices for visitors.

Collection of Non-personal Information

Certain non-personal information about site visits is recorded by the standard operation of the Internet servers on which our Websites are operated.  The non-personal information we may collect includes the operating system in use (e.g., Windows or Mac), the type of browser the visitor uses (e.g., Firefox or Internet Explorer), IP addresses, and the number and frequency of visitors to our site.

When you view our Websites, we may collect non-personal information from you using small text files known as cookies.  We use cookies for several purposes, such as recognizing visitors, determining the number of unique visitors, and ascertaining which site pages they visit.  We may associate non-personal information we collect with personal information we collect from visitors to our Web sites.

You are always free to decline cookies, but in doing so, you may not be able to use certain features on our Web sites.  The “help” segment of the toolbar on most browsers will tell you how to configure your browser not to accept new cookies, how to have the browser inform you when you receive a new cookie, and how to erase cookies from your hard drive.

Collection of Personal Information

We only collect personal information (which may include, but is not necessarily limited to, first and last name, home or other physical address, email address, telephone number, and credit card information) when you voluntarily submit it to us.  For example, you may provide us with your personal information to request more information about our products and services, make suggestions for the operation of our site, make reservations, or participate in an online interactive activity or marketing research.

Use of Information

Direct Limos, LLC may use information collected from visitors to our Websites for any of the following purposes (1) to perform the requested transportation services, (2) to send marketing and other communications to our visitors, (3) to allow Direct Limos, LLC to inform visitors of upcoming events, promotions, or activities on our site, (4) to conduct internal reviews of our Website (e.g., to determine the number of visitors to the site), (5) to help us better understand visitors’ use of our site, (6) to respond to specific requests from our visitors, (7) to conduct marketing research, and (8) to protect the security or integrity of our site non-personally identifiable information will be used for purposes of conducting internal reviews of the site and to provide an enhanced online experience for our visitors.

Disclosure of Information

Direct Limos, LLC will only transfer or otherwise disclose the information it collects from its site visitors to employees and independent contractors of Direct Limos, LLC, subsidiaries and affiliates of

Direct Limos, LLC, consultants, and other business associates, service providers, and suppliers if the disclosure will enable that party to perform a business, professional, or technical support function for Direct Limos, LLC, or if required to do so by law.  We will also transfer or otherwise disclose personal information in response to judicial process and, as permitted under provisions of law, to provide information to law enforcement agencies or in connection with an investigation on a matter related to public safety.

Acceptance of Privacy Terms & Conditions

By visiting, you agree to the practices described in this Online Privacy Policy.  To the extent that any third-party sites accessible through Direct Limos, LLC Websites have different privacy practices from those stated in the Online Privacy Policy, those third-party privacy practices govern the collection and use of information you provide when visiting those sites.  

Direct Limos, LLC is not responsible for other companies’ policies, content, and practices.